Taking It All to the Next Level

Chelsea Driscoll • February 26, 2020
Property Management, Real Estate, San Diego, Landlord, Tenant, Inspection, Lease, Investment, Technology, Rent, Rental, Investment Property

Real estate in San Diego is an excellent investment. There is a substantial market in the metropolitan area and many folks are looking for apartments. Landlords in San Diego have great opportunities, but they must be ready for them.

Traditional property management is possible when there are only one or two apartments to manage. An expanding real estate portfolio, however, is going to demand more attention from the landlord. A hands-on approach is not always feasible. There are specific actions a property owner must do to take it all to the next level.

Change Your Records Management System

More tenants mean more records to file and the old file cabinet is not the answer. Paper records are susceptible to all kinds of damage, including water and fire. Information on a current or past tenant might be needed right away and going through the paper files is inefficient.

Consider Electronic Transfer and Accounting Software

An expanding property portfolio relies on steady cash flow. Delayed rent causes problems that no landlord wants to face. Mailing in the rent creates time delays, and drop boxes could be robbed. Electronic transfers of rent from the tenant's bank account to the landlord are the most reliable types of rent collection.

Manually calculated financial reports are prone to human error. Financial institutions want accurate information when deciding on loan applications. Local government wants the right figures to validate statutory compliance, and, of course, budgeting relies on useful data. Computerized accounting is the best way to go.

Invest in Social Media

Whether it is Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media platform, landlords in San Diego need a presence on the Internet to help with marketing and recruiting new tenants.

Concentrate on Tenant Relations

Standardized procedures for dealing with tenants are the best way to interact with a growing number of apartments and residents. Effective lease renewal strategies are critical to keeping the best tenants.

Where Is the Time?

A good landlord is going to agree with our suggestions but there is a slight problem. There is only so much one person can do in a 24-hour day. Being able to manage all the changes is going to overwhelm anybody. A landlord needs help. 

Property management companies in San Diego can provide the right type of assistance. These are professional third parties who stay current with all the developments in the property management world. Alta Vista Properties is a property management company in San Diego that stands out from all the rest.

We're Ready to Help!

Any landlord who wants to go to the next level will find Alta Vista Properties is ready to help. We work to keep the cash flow moving and the rentals occupied.

We create electronic transfers with tenants. Record management is computerized, and we use the best property management software in the industry. We have established a portal on our website so that a client can access needed information. We maintain good relations with our tenants and damage can be reported on a dedicated page we have on our website. Honest, reliable contractors perform all repair work.

Our services include marketing and maintaining the property to meet code regulations. Routine inspections are part of the package and a landlord can rely on us to handle any eviction should the need arise.

Please do inquire at any time about our property management services. We can be reached at 858-274-3600 or by email at info@altavistaproperties.net. We look forward to hearing from you and answering your questions.

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